Welcome to Soular Pro, the groundbreaking application engineered to transcend the confines of traditional psychotherapy. Crafted by Leonid Talpis, the visionary behind Universal Therapy, our platform seamlessly integrates Family Constellations, Systemic Constellations, and Universal Therapy into an immersive virtual reality setting.

Empowering Therapists, Transforming Lives:

Soular Pro transports therapy into a dynamic 3D realm, where avatars mirror real-life expressions, head movements, and gestures. This groundbreaking technology provides an authentic and deeply engaging therapeutic experience.


Choose the perfect plan for your vital therapy sessions


$ 9 / month
For individuals and small teams
Get Started with Basic


$ 49 / month
For organizations and advanced needs
Get started with Business

Key Features

  • Immersive 3D Environments: Step into meticulously crafted virtual spaces, uniquely designed to facilitate profound therapeutic experiences.
  • Avatar Realism: Witness your clients’ true selves come to life as avatars faithfully replicate their physical cues, enriching the depth of connection.
  • AI-Enhanced Insights: Harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to gain unparalleled insights, enhancing your ability to guide and support clients.
  • Privacy and Security: Our platform employs advanced security measures to safeguard confidential information, ensuring peace of mind for both therapists and clients.
  • Universal Therapy Integration: Seamlessly incorporate the transformative principles of Universal Therapy, guided by its creator, Leonid Talpis, within the Soular Pro environment.

Get Soular Pro App

Elevate Your Practice, Redefine Healing:

With Soular Pro, you’re not just conducting therapy; you’re orchestrating an extraordinary journey of transformation. Join us in revolutionizing the field of psychotherapy, breaking down geographical barriers, and unlocking the boundless potential of online sessions.

Embark on this visionary journey with Soular Pro, and together, let’s redefine the future of systemic healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

To start working with the platform, all you need to do is register, choose a suitable tariff plan (you can use a free trial to get started) and create a session.
To create your avatar, follow the instructions from this page.
There are 3 main advantages of working with the system:
1. It’s convenient. You can conduct sessions online with the same efficiency as you did offline.
2. It’s technological. Our cutting-edge platform will keep you on top of the changing digital world.
3. It’s inexpensive. We’ve made our rates as affordable as possible to maximize your comfort level when working with us.
We built our platform with input from practicing therapists in mind. With an intuitive interface, you don’t have to spend time learning the features of the platform, you can start working effectively immediately.
We have provided a flexible system of tariff plans. Tariffs can be changed on a monthly basis. This allows therapists to flexibly adjust their costs and pay only for the services actually consumed. You can start with a minimum payment of $9 and upgrade to a higher rate later.
Contact us via the contact form and we will provide free trial access to the system.
Now is the time to get started with us and take your practice to the next level!

Start Your Therapy Journey

Begin optimizing your mental well-being today

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